

A new identity for a mobile focused development agency

Untapped is a digital development agency that specialises in mobile apps for iOS, Android and the web. Clever stuff for the likes of and Utility Warehouse. And equally clever stuff for less famous brands, like Cotswold Veg Box Company.
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This is a tech-driven agency that can jargon the hind legs off a donkey, but at the core of all that code-ology is their name, and a very simple idea. So, after rejecting the possibility of a new brand name, that’s where we started – exploring how we might communicate their innate ability to tap into a client’s hidden potential.

To kick things off, we ran a series of discovery sessions looking at their audiences, competitors and marketplace. And the more we looked into the brand’s core proposition, the more the brand name led the way. Untapped became the ‘push me’ button that kicks everything into action.

We created a ballsy, minimal identity. A future-focused, Web3-style brand, that says, “we do tech, but we do it with style”. The typography, colour palette and sheer audacity of its simplicity are designed to hit you between the eyes (in a really nice way).

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